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Selfie Spot & Contest  

Selfie Spot & Contest

Attendees are always looking for that perfect show selfie that lets their colleagues and friends know they have been to your event and host city. Photo Spot gives your guests that perfect show selfie moment, complete with your branded photo back ground & social engagement photo contest. 

Photo Spot provides the quintessential photo backdrop and a custom photo mobile website for guests to post and comment on their photos.  Make the photo fun, even outrageous, our photo props will engage event guest and entertain views. Photos are posted in real time to show management’s 55” video monitor (not priced).

Social Amplification - Selfie Photo Spot Mobile website allows pictures to be posted on your social media channels and virally shared with guest colleagues and friends.

Contest Fun - Attendees post their favorite shows photo spot images; funny, serious or exciting, attendees send photos in with captions attached that describe their favorite show moment. The most relevant comments wins the Photo Spot prize of your choice

Mobile Website - Photo Spot is managed through your very own private label mobile website.

Projected Results - 1,200 booth visits, 1,200 branded photos distributed, 1,200 branded photos shared on Facebook, 120,000 branded photo views, 8,000 minutes of brand booth engagement (based on a 18 Hour Event).

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